Mind is so fickle that it always comes on the thing from where we try to send it away. Only Discretion is a tool to control the mind. How to apply this tool.
Whenever we are performing any duty or activity, we have to perform it consciously and thoughtfully.
If everyone do every work consciously that is carefully then our intellect will be strong. This will work as discretion.
Discretion can control the mind, controlling the mind is not an easy task, hence today onward everyone especially Teenagers and Adult should control their mind by way of discretion.
Once you concentrate the mind by discretion then mind is your best friend and one with mind as best friend can achieve anything in any field in the world.
Therefore always control the mind because as said earlier mind is so fickle and can mislead at any point of time.
Now a days the worst food for mind is comparison with others, comparing with others is nothing but mind distraction. One should compare with himself/herself that what betterment has been done by myself compared to last day /last month /last year and so on.
No doubt good examples from others shall be set for improvement but one should not became sad by comparing others.
Healthy mind is a sign of happiness, hence “DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY”